Higher Standards. Totals Commitment.

Main Ave Water Loop Project - Sundre, AB

Main Ave Water Loop Project - Sundre, AB

Sundre Main Ave & Waterloop Project - Sundre, Alberta

Main Ave Water Loop Project - Sundre, AB
sundre, main ave water loop project
Diameter: 30"
Method: Pipe Ramming
This project was completed at approximately 5m depth in pit run conditions. The installation method chosen due to the tough ground conditions was pipe ramming. Three crossings were required to complete the water loop, 30” casing was used to encase a 400mm water line to complete the towns water supply loop. Our installations crossed a highway, a creek bed and an environmentally sensitive area, all within the town limits. Combine tough ground conditions with the high water table in the area amounted to some challenging working conditions. Our crew with the support of the prime contractor managed to control the inflow of water into the excavations as well as flowing water through the casing being installed. Large volume water pumps were employed to control the water flowing in from all sides of the excavation and a large diameter pig was used to hold water back in the casing during the welding of each casing section, then removed prior to applying the percussive force of the pipe ramming tool.
calgary, banff trail water upgrade
Diameter: 20"
Method: Guided Boring
The Banff Trail Water Upgrade Project was completed within a very busy and well developed area of Calgary. Existing utilities and a time sensitive schedule contributed to making this crossing a challenging one. The alignment of the crossing was re-designed more than once to accommodate the existing infrastructure and site specifics. Our crew installed 20” casing across highway 1 to encase a new 300mm waterline. The casing was installed using our guided boring method and was accomplished using 10’ joints of steel casing due to the limited work space. The newly installed line was required to meet the needs of a new student housing development.

Banff Trail Water Upgrade - Calgary, Alberta

Banff Trail Water Upgrade - Calgary, Alberta

Highway #1 - Chaplin, SK

Highway #1 - Chaplin, SK

Highway #1 - Chaplin, SK
chaplin, sk, highway 1
Diameter: 72"
Method: Conventional Horizontal Auger Boring
Large diameter culverts throughout the prairies often double as cattle crossings to enable ranchers to move their livestock across the highway. This was the case with the two 72” culverts installed by one of our crews. The newly installed culverts were extended from the north ditch into the center median. These culverts were installed using the conventional auger bore method using a steer head to allow the crew to control the vertical elevation during the installation. The culverts were installed near the existing wood box culverts that were lined with new steel casing. The anulus between the steel sleeve and the original box culvert was filled with grout to ensure the integrity of the highway for years to come.